
A photo of industrial wastewater from a pulp and paper processing facility

Wastewater Treatment

Brine Management & Volume Reduction: Maximize recovery, reduce disposal costs, manage pond volumes


Cooling Tower Blowdown: Increase cycles, reduce make-up & blowdown


Data Center Cooling: Solutions that maximize water usage effectiveness


Disposal Wells: Reduce fluid volume, prevent plugging


Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Intelligent, economic industrial wastewater treatment


Zero/Minimal Liquid Discharge (ZLD/MLD): Membrane & thermal solutions for minimizing waste

A photo of clean water in a natural environment


Ammonia: Selective optimized ammonia removal

Brackish Water Desalination: Manage TDS & residual brine

Cyanide: Multiple options to target and treat cyanide in water

Heavy Metals: Precision advanced chemical treatment

Landfills: Leachate reduction & treatment solutions

PFAS: Multiple options for forever-chemical treatment

Sulfates: Monitor & selectively remove
Photo of an automotive manufacturing line


Automotive: Treat wastewaters from metallurgy, battery production & more

Medical Devices: Treat challenging medical device manufacturing wastewaters

Microelectronics: Treat flouride, metals, ammonia & more

Petrochemical: Treat refinery wastewater, remove desalter chlorides

Pharmaceutical: Treat complex wastewaters with certainty

Pulp & Paper: Treat BOD, suspended solids & bleaching agents
Photo of an electric vehicle with a lithium ion battery charging

Lithium & Batteries

Battery Manufacturing & Recycling: Manufacture and recycle valuable battery production materials

Lithium Extraction & Refining: Solutions for harvesting & improving yield

A photo of agricultural irrigation

Agriculture, Food & Beverage

Agriculture: Reduce freshwater demand & recycle fertilizer byproducts

Breweries & Distilleries: Solutions for macro and craft producers

Food & Beverage: Manage organics & minimize waste

Photo of oil wells with sunset behind

Energy & Resources

Bio-Energy: Economically treat digester wastewater for ammonia, organics & other contaminants

Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD): Recycle FGD wastewater with selective chloride removal

Geothermal: Maintain plant performance and improve economics

Mining & Metals: Manage tailings, recover valuable metals

Oil & Gas: Treat produced waters, recover more hydrocarbons